L’artista espone una serie di serigrafie e litografie create in case-rifugio per donne vittime di violenze domestiche in Indiana e nell’IOWA
La mostra descrive lughi protetti; luoghi di passaggio e disequilibrio che rappresentano uno spazio iniziale di transizione analogo ad uno spazio emotivo. Le case-rifugio sono uno spazio fisico per i senzatetto, così come un luogo di passaggio per donne in crisi.
Disequilibrium features a series of slikscreen and lithographic prints created in concert with domestic violence shelters in Iowa and Indiana, USA. The exhibition conveys sheltered spaces; places of transition and disequilibrium that are a liminal physical space analogous to an emotional space. Safe houses are the physical holding space for a displaced population, an in-between place for woman in crisis.
Amanda Lee
Teaching Positions
Faculty Printmaking University of Georgia Cortona Study Abroad Program, Summer 2013
Visiting Artist, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2013
Assistant Professor in Printmaking, University of Iowa, 2012-2013
Associate Instructor, Indiana University, Beginnin Print Media 2010-2012
Print Studio Coordinator and Master Printer, Pilchuck Glass School, 2011
Graduate Assistant, Indiana University, 2009-2010
Printeresting.org, regular contributor
Instructor, Penland School of Crafts, 2014
Instructor, Pratt Fine Arts Center, The Photographic Print, 2013
Studio Assistant – Salt and Silver with Dan Estabrook – Penland School of Crafts, 2009
Crossing into Cinematic: Printmakers embrace Video and Animation, session chair and panelist, Impact 8, International Printmaking Conference, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, August 31, 2013.
Artist Residencies, session moderator, Pursuing a Life in the Arts, Arrowmont School of the Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg Tennessee, April 13 2013