2022 marks 20 Years of SGgallery exhibition space; a cause for celebration and a look back at the rich diversity of artists with who have worked with the gallery.
SGgallery has a supporting role in the activities of the print studio and graphic design courses at Scuola Internazionale di Grafica (founded in 1969). Located in the heart of historic Venice, the Scuola is engaged in collaborative projects with established affiliations at universities, museums, guilds, and biennales.
Regular features of the gallery calendar include the annual opening exhibition of the Scuola academic year, which features the Premio Teardo award in memory of professor Giorgio Teardo. While the Premio Leonardo Sciascia, international print prize is held in honour and remembrance of Sciascia’s passion for the art of etching.
A heartfelt ‘thank you’ goes to the many artists from all over the world who have shown with the gallery throughout the years, far too many to name here. Taking this opportunity also to thank, the professors, teachers and students of the Scuola, both past and present, as well as Matilde Dolcetti, Lorenzo de Castro and Adriano Lubrano.
A full list of exhibitions can be found at: https://blog.scuolagrafica.it/category/sggallery/
‘Looking forward with enthusiasm to the next 20 years !
Déirdre Kelly SGgallery curator