Benedetta Palladino. Hand in Hand on the island
25 March | 10 April 2023
The exhibition is open every day
from 9.30am to 5pm
SG Gallery – Scuola Internazionale di Grafica is pleased to present from 25 March to 10 April 2023, at its exhibition space «Mano nella Mano sull’Isola.» the first photographic exhibition of Benedetta Palladino.
A journey of extraordinary visual richness, aided by the artistic passion, in the complexity of the African territory, in Tanzania in particular, aimed at exalting uses and customs belonging to different cultures, through aesthetic resonances, conceptual and creative.
The exhibition proposes a reflection on the themes of diversity under- stood not as a limit but as wealth, on poverty not as a status but as a warning, on difficulties not as a reason for discouragement but as a stimulus, with the aim of raising awareness and encouraging in the viewer that openness necessary to promote the elimination of prejudi- ces and inequalities.
Palladino explains: The choice of the title refers to the choice of joi- ning two Islands remarkably different but at the same time very similar: Zanzibar and Venice. The goal is to allow both of them to hold hands and communicate, help and cooperate. “Where I don’t go, you go,” could be the slogan. A dialogue of mutual reciprocity between Venice, with its majesty and beauty, and Zanzibar with its great sensitivity and inclusiveness.»
A predominant purpose for the realization of the following photo- graphic project is a spontaneous and personal aimed at the associa- tion “SISTER ISLAND” of Nungwi, north of Zanzibar Island, which under the direction of Francesca Micheli and Rossana Sareni, founders of the non-profit association, to help the construction of an elementary school where children can carry out educational and creative activities thus obtaining adequate school education.
Palladino concludes: The sense of justice, altruism and unlimited hunger for discovery are the basis of my existence, they need to be manifested through an artistic gesture, which here is transformed into photography. A language understandable to all and left to the free interpretation of the user. A strong passion of mine.»