Erasmus plus for students
International Mobility
Erasmus Plus for Students at the Scuola Internazionale di Grafica is a unique opportunity to become an active member of our international community. As an Erasmus + trainee, you will support and assist our faculty, staff, and international artists in residence as they work in the studios.
The Scuola Internazionale di Grafica di Venezia is a renowned institution located in Venice’s historic city centre. Since its foundation in 1969, the Scuola has welcomed generations of Italian and international artists, students, and professors.
ERASMUS plus for Students
Marija Linkevica
“I was a print shop assistant in Scuola back in 2018/2019 which was part of my ERASMUS experience! During those 8 months I met a lot of wonderful people who became my friends.
I have never imagined that I would be working in such a beautiful place and I am proud of this amazing experience!”
Marija Linkevica from Coventry University→

ERASMUS plus for Students
Marina Jiménez Pila
“En 2017 tuve la suerte de realizar mi Erasmus en la Scuola Internazionale di Gráfica di Venezia. Esta experiencia hizo que me enamorara aún más del grabado y la estampación tradicional, y quién me iba a decir que además aprendería serigrafía, caligrafía, cianotipia, historia, gastronomía…
La Scuola es una pequeña joya dentro de una ciudad increíble, cuidado con celo por grandes maestros y donde fui acogida por la gran Roberta Feoli.
Es un lujo poder aprender de ellos, además de llevarte un pedacito de sabiduría de artistas internacionales que pasan allí su residencia. Un lugar mágico”.
Marina Jiménez Pila, Fundación Universidades y Enseñanzas Superiores de Castilla y León→
ERASMUS plus for Students
Charlotte Windsor
“Deciding to do an Erasmus work placement at Scuola Internazionale di Grafica Venezia was the best decision I could have made. I was welcomed by everyone from the moment my internship began, especially from Roberta! During my time working at Scuola, I gained the most invaluable experience.
From understanding the way the artists residency programme worked, preparing paper and print equipment for the several workshops they offer; to working alongside artists in residence and helping to assist them in their practice.
Additionally, I was able to support the artists in their artists residency show, in the gallery at Scuola, by hanging and constructing the show as they visioned.
I was so lucky to be given the freedom whilst I was there to create my own prints and work. I found it very refreshing to create work in a beautiful studio with so many other talented artists. I could write forever about everything I loved and learnt from this experience, from everyone at Scuola, all the visiting artists; some of who I still stay in contact with, and from my wonderful experience of Venice as a city (which
I will always consider to be my second home!). If I could do my Erasmus year at Scuola again a thousand times I would, I highly recommend applying to this studio. An experience I will remember forever and friends that I have made, for life”.
Charlotte Windsor, Coventry University→

ERASMUS plus for Students
Tania Blanco Prieto
“Estuve en la Scuola Internazionale di Grafica Venezia por primera vez en el año 2015, lo mejor de la experiencia fue conocer a la gente que trabaja allí, y su flexibilidad y cariño (Roberta enamora) La ubicación de la escuela, es espectacular, pocos lugares quedan como este, por eso volví en el 2016 y en el 2017. 🙂 ❤️”
Tania Blanco Prieto, Escuela de Arte y Superior de CRBC LEÓN →
ERASMUS plus for students
Ivan Martin
En 2014 disfrute de una beca Leonardo en la Scuola Internazionale di Grafica Venezia, un lugar increíble, precioso y bien gestionado.
Allí no solo aprendí de estampa tradicional con la Maestra Roberta Feoli sino que también hice muy buenos amigos y compartí un espacio con grandes y talentosos artistas. En una ciudad mágica, mi segunda casa.
Ivan Martin, Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Segovia→

Erasmus plus for students
Jeisson Yefreth Cardona Gutierrez
“Mi experiencia en la Scuola Internazionale di Grafica Venezia, diría que fue algo que no tiene forma de explicarse, encontré muchísimo más de lo que esperaba, esa experiencia me ayudó a ver más en profundidad el mundo de las artes gráficas y también a conocer gente maravillosa durante mi estancia allí.”
Jeisson Yefreth Cardona Gutierrez, Instituto de Formación Profesional Islas Filipinas IES ISLAS Filipinas→