Anne Bush
7 - 27 luglio 2015
Inaugurazione: 7 July 2015, ore 18:00
‘Contro Spazio: Punti in Aria’ is a site specific installation existing in the gallery and on the streets of Venice. Consisting of eight-hundred and forty-seven perforated postcards (a number which marks the increase in the number of tourists – 847,000 – visiting the city between 2009 and 2013) as well as one hundred posters, ‘Contro Spazio’ asks viewers to reconsider tourism and their image of Venice. Visitors to the SG Gallery can view the exhibition as well as collect stickers, personalize them with their own perspective on Venice, and add them to posters installed throughout the city centre.
Anne Bush is a Professor, at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Her design and installation work has been recognized by I.D. Magazine, the AIGA, the New York Art Director’s Club, Print, The American Center for Design, Visible Language, Eye and the Brno Biennial of Design, among others. Her work is also included in the collections of the Dansk Plakatmuseum (Abyhoj, Denmark), the Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe (Hamburg, Germany), and La Maison du Livre et de L’Affiche (Chaumont, France). Anne has received numerous awards including the Isaiah Berlin Bursary at the University of Oxford. She is the Paul Mellon Centre Rome Fellow at the British School at Rome for 2014-2015 and Artist in Residence at the Scuola Internazionale di Grafica Venezia from January -July 2015.
- SGgallery exhibitions curated by Déirdre Kelly
- The exhibition is open: Mon-Fri, 09:00-12:30 / 14:00-18:00