My six weeks residency at Scuola Grafica in Venice, Italy has led to new directions in my printmaking. I arrived in Venice with small copper plates and some small sheets of print paper. I generally work large but wanted to keep the trip light and economical. I had no particular subject in mind. Having travelled to Venice some 18 years ago, I thought of re-visiting the Museum of Naval History and the Correr to make etchings of tools.
Generally, subjectless, I waited to have Venice speak to me.
Wandering about the city I became enamored of the many stone lions sculptures….the Lion is the symbol of Venice. I do not work from photos so I drew all of the plates on site. This became the print project “Leoni di Venezia”.
I took advantage of an opportunity to learn collograph printing from Roberta Feoli, the very capable manager of the print studio and made the large print of a pulley block.
I constantly looked at great paintings which I had never seen other than in books, went to Padova where I saw not only the Sovregni chapel with Giotto’s painting but also discovered a huge collection of excavations and made drawings of a few of these, promising myself to return.
Exhibitions: Prints and/or Sculpture (recent, select)
• Scuola Grafica, Venice, Italy, one person exhibition of new prints, March 2017.
• Two Rivers Print Studio, White River Junction, VT, one person exhibition of prints, May, 2016.
• White River Gallery, So. Royalton, VT, one person exhibition of prints, Jan, 2016.
• Vermont State Supreme Courthouse, Montpelier, VT, one person exhibition, Sept 2012.
• Sculpturefest, Woodstock, VT, 2012-2013.
• AVA Gallery, Lebanon, NH, one person exhibition, October 2009.
• Gallery Korea, Korean Cultural Council, NYC, group, October 2008.
• Whitewater Gallery, East Hardwick, VT, one person exhibition, 2007.
• Simmons College, Boston, MA, group exhibition, winners of Artist Resource Trust Fellowships (see Awards), May 2006.
• Galeria IX, Art Union of Hungarian Lithographers and Etchers, one person exhibition, April, 2006.
• Ten Vermont Women, Fleming Museum, Burlington, VT, Nat. Museum of Women in the Arts, 2003.
• Brattleboro Museum, Brattleboro, VT, NMWA, 2003.
• Lyndon State College, St Johnsbury, VT, one person exhibition, 2001.
• Kathy Caraccio Print Studio, NYC, one person exhibition of prints and sculpture, 1999.
• Vermont College, Wood Art Gallery, Montpelier, VT, one person exhibition, prints and sculpture, 1997.
• Five New England Blacksmiths, Vermont Folklife Center, Middlebury, VT, 1996.
• Five New England Blacksmiths, Billings Farm and Museum, Woodstock, VT.
Exhibitions: Juried Printmaking (recent, select)
• Society for American Graphic Artists, NYC, 2012.
• Boston Printmakers, Lincoln, MA, 2011.
• IPCNY, Selected New Prints, NYC, 2007.
• Association Atelier de Gravure Bo Halbirk, Paris, France, 2007.
• Paper New England, group exhibition, three printmakers from each of four NE states, Hartford, Conn, 2007.
• Newark Public Library, Sculptors’ Prints, 2003.
• Printworks 2002, Tower Gallery, Seattle, WA.
• Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany 2002.
• Boston Printmakers 1991, ’97, ’99, 2001, 2010.
• Newark Public Library, The Graphic Proof, A Century of Print Collecting, Newark, NJ, 1997.
• Society of American Graphic Artists, NYC
• Barrett House Galleries, Poughkeepsie, NY, 1994, ’95.
• Hunterdon Art Center, 1995.
• San Diego Art Institute, 1994.
Major Collections, Prints
• Boston Public Library
• Philadelphia Museum of Art
• Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University
• New York Public Library
• New Jersey Public Library
• Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University
• Seattle Arts Commission, Seattle, Washington
• Danforth Art Museum, Framingham, MA.
Major Collections, Sculpture
• State of Vermont, public art commission.
• University of Florida at Gainesville.