Sergei Tsvektov: Chine Collé
2-3 Febbraio, 2008
February 2 – 3, 2008
Il seminario sarà incentrato sui metodi di chine collé per l’acquaforte con l’utilizzo di carte e veline giapponesi e cinesi con attenzione particolare ai problemi pratici. Saranno anche usati numerosi tipi di carta diversi con un occhio particolare agli standard di archivio, attributi estetici e tecnici. Il seminario illusterà inoltre le tecniche di tusche wash e spit bite con processo di intaglio singolo e multiplo.
Sergey Tsvetkov ha studiato presso il Kalilnin Art College, Industrial Printing School, Kalinin City, USSR, e il State Art & Design Institute, Kharkov, Ukraina USSR. La sua carriera trentennale ed unica di artista si svolge nei continenti asiatico, europeo e nord americano. Il suo lavoro è presente in musei in Russia, Stati Uniti ed Europa come anche in collezioni private in Svezia, Russia, Germania, Francia e Stai Uniti.
The seminar will focus on methods of chine collé for etching prints using Japanese or Chinese papers and tissues with particular attention to practical issues. Different papers and adhesives will be employed, with consideration of archival merits, technical and aesthetic attributes. The seminar will also cover techniques of tusche wash and spit bite in single and multiplate intaglio process. Besides demos and talks, students will construct their individual projects using chine collé, spit bite, tusche wash.
Sergey Tsvetkov was educated in Russia at the Kalilnin Art College, Industrial Printing School, Kalinin City, USSR, and at the State Art & Design Institute, Kharkov, Ukraine (former USSR). His unique career as an artisti spans for thirty years across the Asian, European and North American continents. His work can be seen in Museums in Russia, United States and Europe as well as in private collections in Sweden, Russia, Germany, France and the United States